
I Have... A Pink House

My Room

Living Room

Living Room

I am surrounded by Fascination btw, not Love. Love is in the living room. :D


AMZ said...

I kinda like the new colour and design of you room :)

Tiffie said...

:O I like the pink in the living room.. it would look nice if your room and the rest of the rooms swapped colours... :D Looks great!

emerald said...

wee! nice color, really brighten up everything. i feel so *happy* seein the color. =D

Chufang said...

MZ: Thanks. Actually, only moved some of the stuff about and painted the room only...

Tiffie: Hmm... I was considering painting my room in Love, but cos my room is real small, it might make it appear dark. So I painted it a light pink/purple colour instead. But now it's looks damn sweet. x_x

BJ: The color very gu niang lei. :x :D

Tiffie said...

It IS really sweet! And you're right, a dark colour would make your room look smaller..