
Electra Complex

I'm reading Sigmund Freud, and this paragraph sounds like a whole lot of bull to me:

On the Electra complex, Freud was more vague. The complex has its roots in the little girl's discovery that she, along with her mother and all other women, lack the penis which her father and other men posses. Her love for her father then becomes both erotic and envious, as she yearns for a penis of her own. She comes to blame her mother for her perceived castration, and is struck by penis envy, the apparent counterpart to the boy's castration anxiety. The resolution of the Electra complex is far less clear-cut than the resolution of the Oedipus complex is in males; Freud stated that the resolution comes much later and is never truly complete. Just as the boy learned his sexual role by identifying with his father, so the girl learns her role by identifying with her mother in an attempt to posses her father vicariously. At the eventual resolution of the conflict, the girl passes into the latency period, though Freud implies that she always remains slightly fixated at the phallic stage.


Ok, at least I agree with this. But I think this guy is probably a sexually dissatisfied individual. Most (if not all) of his theories are linked to sex. Lol.

Freud insisted that dreams are a form of fulfilling suppressed wishes. If a wish (likely to be sexual in origin) goes unsatisfied during the dreamer’s normal day, the mind reacts to this 'internal stimuli' by transforming it into a visual fantasy - allowing the dreamer to satisfy his or her desire. The result of which is a peaceful night's sleep.

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