
Very Cute Dress

I received my desired job offer today! The pay is as I expected, but the most important thing is, I'll be working on things I like!

To avoid the GST hike, I went vivocity to grab some work clothes. Saw this little black dress at GG>5. It's gonna look real cute with black stockings. :P Anyway, it's $100+ so I didn't get it.

I think I look really sallow in the picture. Can't wait to eat heartily again.


emerald said...

OMG! u look freaking skinny! as if goona blown off by the wind anytimg. pls eat more.

Chufang said...

I can't eat more even thought I want to! It's tough to eat with the plate inside my mouth. :(

mr-penman said...

u look HOT in this photo!!!

LOL~ ^0^

anyway, get well soon, buddy!

and gratz on ur job!

fingers said...

ur face looked pale but love ur new figure.